Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April 30, 2013

I love taking close up shots of flowers.  You can really see the different textures and the different colors that make up the petals.  It's just so beautiful and each flower is unique.

Monday, April 29, 2013

April 29, 2013

The lilies in my bouquet of flowers are finally starting to open.  This one was just perfect when I got home tonight and I couldn't resist snapping a photo.  I could stare at lilies like this all day and be happy.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

April 28, 2013

I thought this white rose was so beautiful! I love how it is the only white flower in the middle of deep, red flowers.  It sticks out and just looks so stunning! I love it!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

April 27, 2013

Today is one of my favorite times of the year.  It is a big music festival in North Dallas that has 20 bands and 2 stages.  It is always such a blast and I absolutely love watching the crowd of people come together and unite because they love the band that's playing.  It's always a happy time and we have a blast every year.

April 26, 2013

Today is such a happy day!!  My long time love, the love of my life, asked me to marry him!  I couldn't have asked for a a better partner in life and I am so excited to be his wife!

Friday, April 26, 2013

April 25, 2013

This is my absolute favorite tree!  The It is giant and has these wonderfully lush leaves that bloom big, white flowers every year. I am so excited because the buds to the flowers are coming out.  I cannot wait until this tree is fully bloomed with all of it's beautiful flowers. It is just a spectacular tree!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April 24, 2013

Today my boss bought all the paralegals flowers and sushi for lunch to celebrate administrative professionals day and to say thanks. I may not always enjoy my job      (who does though, right?), but it is such a nice feeling to know that I work for good people who appreciate what I do.  Plus, I get to enjoy these beautiful flowers for the next several days!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April 23, 2013

I was so excited when I saw this rosebud tonight!  These rose bushes are my absolute favorite.  They grown against the black iron fence and it makes the deep crimson pop even more.  I can't wait until all the roses bloom!

Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22, 2013

I saw this flower today and it was so bright that it seemed to jump right out at me.  It was so beautiful and just what I needed after a really long day.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

April 21, 2013

April 21st is always a day I try and remember to tell my loved ones that I love them and that I miss them if they are far away.  It's a reminder that life is short and you may not always get that chance.  I took this photo of Pat and the dogs because it made me smile.  Pat was preparing some cheese and honey as an after dinner snack for us while the dogs eagerly looked on.  We ate cheese and honey in bed with the dogs and it was absolutely lovely.  Just a reminder, tell your family and friends that you love them as much as you can.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

April 20, 2013

This was my bright, beautiful, and delicious cocktail I had at dinner tonight. It was so refreshing on this beautiful day and complimented the fantastic cheese plate so well. Wonderful Saturday night.

Friday, April 19, 2013

April 19, 2013

Oh my goodness.....this was the dessert that Pat and I had night. We usually don't get dessert, but the server totally sold it. Fried green ice cream in pound cake and then drizzled with chocolate syrup. So yummy and so pretty. Such a beautiful end to a wonderful dinner.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 18, 2013

My wonderful mom sent me a surprise package at work today! I don't anyone who doesn't love getting presents and it was such a beautiful surprise to my day. She sent me some amazing flavored balsamic vinegars. You can tell I already used one tonight at dinner. So tasty and such a wonderful gift!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April 17, 2013

 I love this flower! It looks so tropical and reminds of when I was in Hawaii. It's a very relaxing and calming flower to look at.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

April 16, 2013

This has become one of my favorite lunch staples lately.  Anyone who knows me knows that I have a great passion for food, especially healthy food.  This is my creation of avocado, homemade zucchini hummus, and sesame toasts seaweed wrapped in butter lettuce leaves.  It is just heavenly and it is also so beautiful to look at!

Monday, April 15, 2013

April 15, 2013

Today was unfortunately a sad day for many people and I wanted to capture something that showed true innocence and love. My dog fell asleep on my lap tonight and that was exactly what I saw.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

April 14, 2013

This is one of my neighbor's bushes and the beautiful flowers have started to bloom.  They have such a bright, vibrant color and stand apart from the other flowers and plants in his garden. They are such a delight to look at.

April 13, 2013

Pat and I took a walk in the park yesterday with dogs. It was such a beautiful day and we couldn't waste it inside. This is such a beautiful park in the heart of Dallas and such a great place to escape to nature if only for a little bit.

Friday, April 12, 2013

April 12, 2013

As much as I love a full moon, I also love a crescent moon. I feel like it's the sky's way of saying you can  have a fresh start, that it's a new day. It can be a very reassuring feeling at times, as well as a beautiful sight.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

April 11, 2013

I think this old car is so cool! I have seen it a few times around town and the color and style just make it so fun. So retro and unlike anything we have today.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 10, 2013

Some of the plants by my house are starting to bloom these cute white buds and they looked so bright today on this rainy day.  I can't wait to see how  they grow and change as the months go on.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 9, 2013

Everything is so green and beautiful!  I love it!  I feel like I left town for just a few days and when I got back all the trees were sprouting vibrant, full leaves.  Just beautiful!

Monday, April 8, 2013

April 8, 2013

I'm cheating a little bit because I took this picture of few days ago, but my day has been nonstop since I got back from vacation.  Plus, I just really like this picture!  Shiner is a Texas beer and is hands down my favorite cold beverage.  I was thrilled to find it in a store in Colorado and even more thrilled that I got to enjoy it in a hot tub surrounded by mountains.  The afternoon I drank this was relaxing, fun, and simply beautiful.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 7, 2013

I took these photos when we were driving back from Breckenridge to Denver.  I think it is so amazing how the weather and the terrain can change so drastically in such a short amount of time.  Both are so beautiful in their own way.  It is definitely one of the many things I love about Colorado.

April 6, 2013

we got fresh snow in Breckenridge and it made everything look so beautiful! I have always said snow is only appropriate in 3 situations and it was definitely appropriate.

Friday, April 5, 2013

April 5, 2013

This a view  the top of the mountain. Well, as far up as I was going to go anyway. We were on Peak 8 and it was just breathtaking!  Getting back on skis today was such a delight and in such a beautiful location too! I couldn't have asked for a better day.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

April 4, 2013

I am on vacation in Breckenridge, CO and the view outside the house is beyond beautiful!  The air is crisp and fresh and I get a view of the slopes I will be on tomorrow. So refreshing and beautiful.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April 3, 2013

 I love looking at plants, flowers, leaves, anything really after it rains.  I love how the rain drops stay and seem to give new life to the plants.  Everything looks so fresh and renewed.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April 2, 2013

I love the sky and the clouds after it rains.  They clouds are heavy and starting to break apart, but I love the different colors of blue, white, and grey that the sky makes and the different textures.  It so peaceful, especially after a day full of springs storms.

Monday, April 1, 2013

April 1, 2013

I know I didn't take this photo, but it was just too cute to not share.  This is my adorable nephew Fynn wearing his Easter outfit.  I absolutely love his little smile and his dimples.  He radiates such happiness and it is the highlight of my day when my sister sends me pictures of this adorable little guy.