Thursday, January 31, 2013

January 31, 2013

This picture makes me happy because the red berries are coming out and that means spring is coming!  I am ready for longer days, warmer temperatures, and sunshine!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January 30, 2013

I was just kind of playing with these photos.  I took them of some of the trees in my neighborhood that I think are pretty.  I got a new photo editor and thought I would have some fun!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

January 29, 2013

I have already mentioned that Lilies are my favorite flower in the world, but the Stargazer is my absolute favorite!  My wonderful boyfriend surprised me today by sending me 2 dozen beautiful Stargazer Lilies at work!  It just absolutely made my day!  They are just beyond gorgeous and make me feel so loved.  :)

Monday, January 28, 2013

January 28, 2013

I absolutely love living in a big city, but every now and then, I wish I could have a house that blocks out the noises of city life.  This house that I pass on my way home from work lets you do just that.  It's in the middle of the city, on a busy street, but it still looks so cozy and private.  I love the hedges and the crazy tree behind bushes.  I feel like this house is the best of both worlds.  You can have all the perks of living in the city, but have the privacy and seclusion of living outside of the city. 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

January 27, 2013

I am always so delighted when I find a restaurant or market that mainly sells local and organic products.  I am so happy that a new market opened this weekend down the street from my house.  It is a tiny and quaint market that only sells local and organic foods.  I think it is a beautiful thing to not only eat healthy, but also support the local community. 

January 26, 2013

You'll have to forgive me that this post is late, but better late than never.  These photos are bittersweet for me.  They are from my dear friends Stephanie and Josh's going away party last night.  They are about to start an exciting new chapter in their lives in New York City!  I am so thrilled for them and this great opportunity and new adventure, but I'm so sad they will be leaving in just a few short days.  True friends are hard to find, but such a blessing to have.  Stephanie and Josh, I wish you the best of luck and I will miss you both dearly! 

Friday, January 25, 2013

January 25, 2013

Tonight I had a wonderful, late dinner with Pat.  We went to a new restaurant and were so pleased with the wonderful food an especially the fantastic cocktail menu!  This restaurant specializes in creative and old fashioned cocktails that you can't get just anywhere.  We spent the evening laughing, drinking, eating great food, and enjoying each others company.  It was a beautiful way to spend a Friday night.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

January 24, 2013

The fog this morning was amazingly thick and super cool!  I love a good foggy morning or night.  I love how creepy and mysterious it can make everything.  It looks like something straight out of a movie.  So fantastic!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January 23, 2013

I know I have taken previous photos of the sunrise, but this morning it was like a fire in the sky and I couldn't pass up this view.  It was so beautiful and such a fantastic view for my drive to work this morning.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 22, 2013

No matter what your religious preference, I think that most people will agree that a church can have some of the most beautiful architecture and design of any building.  This church is near my office and I think the bell tower on this church is so beautiful.  It really is a delight to see it everyday and marvel in its beauty.

Monday, January 21, 2013

January 21, 2013

Today was just a beautiful day.  It's rare that my office closes for a holiday other than Thanksgiving or Christmas, but it was closed today and I was able to enjoy a Monday at home.  I allowed myself to truly relax and not worry about errands I needed to run or housework I should be doing or really worrying about anything.  I lounged around all day snuggling my pups and enjoying time with Pat.  I often spend my days off trying to cram everything into my weekends that I often don't get a chance to just sit and relax.  Today I did just that and captured of few moments in my photos.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

January 20, 2013

I love this photo!  Two of my wonderful friends, Ryan and Michael, have this fantastic old fashioned stereo system in their kitchen.  It plays all throughout the house and it is so much fun!  I can imagine a new couple in this house years ago, cooking and dancing, as the radio played.  Such a fun addition to the kitchen and I love that it still works and it still gets use.

January 19, 2013

These photos were taken tonight while I was spending an evening with friends.  I realize that there is nothing that special about these pictures, but we were celebrating a friends birthday.  It's beautiful anytime you have a chance to get together with friends, but a birthday is such a joyous and happy time and it makes it even more beautiful.

Friday, January 18, 2013

January 18, 2013

I have always had a love for Mustangs and I blame my Dad for that. :)  My Dad had the most amazing red Mustang in the 80's and I absolutely loved it.  Some of my greatest childhood memories are of me and my Dad cruising around town in that wonderful Mustang with the t-tops out.  I jumped at the chance whenever my Dad asked if I wanted to take a ride in the Mustang.  Whenever I see a Mustang. no matter the year, make, or model, I always think of my Dad and the great memories from when I was a little girl cruising the town with my Dad in a beautiful car.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

January 17, 2013

My office is right by Turtle Creek and every morning I drive over the creek on my way to work.  It is absolutely beautiful.  It has beautiful trees, a beautiful stone bridge, and the wonderful black iron fence.  It almost makes you forget you are in the middle of a big city.  Today, I drove over the bridge just as the sun was behind the trees, lighting them up in beautiful orange and yellows.  (You'll have to forgive the terrible telephone pole in the middle of the color photo.  I was driving and only had so much time to snap a shot.)  I also captured it in a black and white so you can really see the pure, unaltered beauty of this spot.  It's a joy to look at every morning.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 16, 2013

I love food and I love cooking!  I think it is such a beautiful thing to create a delicious meal for your friends or family.  Yesterday, I had the divine pleasure of making my own goat cheese.  It was heavenly!  Being able to share my creation with someone I love was such a beautiful end to my day.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 15, 2013

I am definitely a warm weather person and in my mind, snowy weather is only appropriate in 3 situations.  Christmas, skiing, or getting me out of work.  Today, it didn't fall into any of those categories, so I will admit that I was a little cranky. However, when I went outside, I did have to admit that it was beautiful.  The heavy flakes sticking to the trees and grass made it look like a winter wonderland.  Taking in the beautiful scenes helped me get through the cold, snowy day. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

January 14, 2013

I took this photo from my office which is on the 11th floor of a building near downtown.  To be honest, my office is generally the last place I want to be and I often find myself listing all the pros of being at work just make the day a little better.  Unfortunately, if I'm having a bad day, that list sometimes doesn't quite seem long enough.  I realize that I am extremely lucky to be employed and to be employed by good people, but seeing a beautiful view like this on a Monday morning can definitely help make the day a little better. It definitely helps to stop and look at the small but beautiful things in life

Sunday, January 13, 2013

January 13, 2013

I took these photos at one of my favorite bars that I frequent on a rather regular basis.  I love this bar, not only because it has great beer, but because it is one of those places that you go with good friends and have a good time because you are with people you love.  I feel like as long as you are with the people you love and who love you back, you can have a good time anywhere.  It doesn't need to be fancy, trendy, expensive, or anything else.  You just need to be with good people.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

January 12, 2013

These photos are beautiful to me for a few reasons.  The top is the school bus from the Warby Parker Class Trip.  Warby Parker is an eye glass company that believes that  people who need eye glasses shouldn't have to pay a fortune for them.  They sell top notch glasses for a fraction of what the major retailers sell them for.  They also donate a pair of glasses to someone in need every time they sell a pair.  The world needs more companies like them.

They are touring the country in an old school bus selling glasses and promoting their company.  Tonight, the bus was parked at a bike shop.  This shop has new bikes, old bikes, and array of antiques from old motor shops. It was a great night with friends, in a cool bike shop, helping promote a stellar company.